
Padclipse is a light weight text editor based on Eclipse. The basic product is composed of Eclipse RCP plus Text Editor, Compare and Search facilities and their dependencies. A few additional third party plug-ins are included as well.

The latest release is based on Eclipse 3.3RC4

More information coming to this web site soon!


Download Padclipse Lite for your platform (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)

NB! The 0.1.0 release is a pre-alpha release and contains known bugs. The Mac OS X builds are not tested at all.

The Lite edition includes the following:


Information about development status and other stuff can be found on the project pages.

Please report any bugs you find, and enter feature requests if you find that some functionality is missing. The main planning is done through feature requests. If you are not sure whether to file a bug report or feature request, file it under bugs and it will be moved if necessary.

More information can be found on the project wiki.